John Strelecky’s Big Five for Life online course is a step by step process that enables you to discover your Big Five for Life. People from around the world have experienced the wonderful transformation of going from “massively confused” to “massively enthused” as they discover what they most want to do, see, and experience in their lives. For many years, this course was only available through live events. However, after receiving email requests from many people from different places around the world, it became apparent that creating an online course was the best way to give people everywhere, access to the discovery experience.
Each step of the course contains a short video, or multiple short videos and a PDF guide. In those, I explain the exercises you’ll have the chance to do, as well as other important concepts that will help you discover your Big Five for Life.
This way, you are able to experience the course in much the same way as if you were at a live event.
The exercises you will be doing are fun, easy, and incredibly eye opening. You can do them at your own pace. Most will take you between fifteen to twenty minutes. With each exercise you complete, you will learn more and more about yourself and what you most want to do, see, and experience in your life. By the time the course is done, you will know your Big Five for Life.
If you have other questions, please review the list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered there, please send it to us and we’ll answer it for you.
Enjoy the experience as you discover your Big Five for Life!
Your fellow traveler on this amazing adventure called life.
John P. Strelecky
Creator of The Big Five for Life